17th SOLO | 2024.04.13 - 05.24
<Paradise>, 서울역 한화 커넥트 플레이스 스테이션 존-아트태그, 서울, 한국
<Paradise>, Connect Place at HANWHA's Seoul Station complex-Arttag, Seoul, South Korea
16th SOLO | 2023.03.15 - 04.30
<Colorful Romance>, Arttag, Seoul, South Korea
<Colorful Romance>, 아트태그하우스 성수, 서울, 한국

GROUP | 2022.12.21 - 03.19
<2022 4th Animation>, Seoul Media Canvas, Seoul, South Korea
<2022 4번째 애니메이션 영상전>, 서울로미디어캔버스, 서울, 한국
15th SOLO | 2022.11.09 - 11.20
<Epidermis World>, Art Lounge Chwi Hwa Dam, Seoul, South Korea
<Epidermis World>, 아트라운지 취화담, 서울, 한국

14th SOLO | 2022.10.12 - 10.24
<Epidermis World>, Bright Space Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
<Epidermis World>, Bright Space Gallery, 멜버른, 호주
GROUP (ART FAIR) | 2022.08.06 - 08.21
<Meet Up Art Fair>, Ccollabo Haus, Seoul, South Korea
<Meet Up Art Fair>, 꼴라보하우스, 서울, 한국

2022.08.06-08.21Ccollabo Haus, Seoul, South Korea

2022.08.06-08.21 Ccollabo Haus, Seoul, South Korea
GROUP (DUO) | 2022.07.28 - 08.14
<Love Under the Blue Moon> Duo, J'M Gallery, London, United Kingdom
<Love Under the Blue Moon> 2인전, J'M Gallery, 런던, 영국

2022.07.28-08.14 Duo, J'M Gallery, London, United Kingdom

2022.07.28-08.14 Duo, J'M Gallery, London, United Kingdom

2022.07.28-08.14 Duo, J'M Gallery, London, United Kingdom

2022.07.28-08.14 Duo, J'M Gallery, London, United Kingdom
13th SOLO | 2021.09.12 - 10.04
<Hong Ji-young> Online, Seojung-art Center, Seoul, South Korea
<따뜻한 온도로 세상을 바라보는 작가, 홍지영> 온라인, 서정아트센터, 서울, 한국
12th SOLO | 2021.09.03 - 11.02
<Epidermis World>, Moon gallery, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
<Epidermis World>, 문갤러리, 평택, 한국

11th SOLO | 2021.09.02 - 09.09
<Hong Ji-Young: Epidermis World> Online, Guy Hepner/Tax Collection, New York, NY
<Hong Ji-Young: Epidermis World> 온라인, Guy Hepner/Tax Collection, 뉴욕, 미국

10th SOLO | 2021.08.11 - 08.30
<Epidermis World>, Chung art gallery, Seoul, South Korea
<Epidermis World>, 청화랑, 서울, 한국

GROUP (TRIO) | 2021.08.11 - 09.24
<Behind Story> Artist 3, Seojung-art Center, Seoul, South Korea
<비比하인드 스토리>, 3인전, 서정아트센터, 서울, 한국

Seojung-art Center, Seoul, South Korea

<Behind Story> Artist 3, Seojung-art Center, Seoul, South Korea
9th SOLO | 2021.06.18 - 07.01
<Epidermis World>, Starfield Hanam, Hanam Cultural Foundation, Hanam, South Korea
<Epidermis World>, 스타필드 하남 작은 미술관, 하남문화재단, 하남, 한국

8th SOLO | 2021.02.25 - 03.06
<Epidermis World>, Art space grove, Seoul, South Korea
<Epidermis World>, 아트 스페이스 그로브, 서울, 한국

GROUP | 2021.02.18 - 03.28
<Artmining SEOUL 2020: INTO THE FOREST>, Nodeul Island Space 445, Seoul, South Korea
<아트마이닝 서울 2020: INTO THE FOREST>, 노들섬 스페이스 445, 갤러리 1.2, 서울, 한국

Nodeul Island Space 445, Seoul, South Korea

Nodeul Island Space 445, Seoul, South Korea

Nodeul Island Space 445, Seoul, South Korea

Nodeul Island Space 445, Seoul, South Korea

Nodeul Island Space 445, Seoul, South Korea
GROUP | 2021.02.18 - 02.27
<Fly High>, Chung-muro Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
<Fly High>, 충무로 갤러리, 서울, 한국

Chung-muro Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

Chung-muro Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

Chung-muro Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

Chung-muro Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

Chung-muro Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
7th SOLO | 2021.01.05 - 01.29
<Epidermis World>, Seojung-art Center, Seoul, South Korea
<Epidermis World>, 서정아트센터, 서울, 한국

GROUP | 2020.11.25 - 12.15
<Selected Artist>, Seojung-art Center, Seoul, South Korea
<공모 선정 전>, 서정아트센터, 서울, 한국

Seojung-art Center, Seoul, South Korea

Seojung-art Center, Seoul, South Korea

Seojung-art Center, Seoul, South Korea

Seojung-art Center, Seoul, South Korea

Seojung-art Center, Seoul, South Korea

Seojung-art Center, Seoul, South Korea

Seojung-art Center, Seoul, South Korea

Seojung-art Center, Seoul, South Korea

Seojung-art Center, Seoul, South Korea