6th SOLO | 2019.08.31 - 09.21
<Epidermis world>, Coutances Arts center, Normandie Coutances, France
<Epidermis world>, 쿠탕스 아트센터, 노르망디 쿠탕스, 프랑스

French News: Ouest-France

French News: Ouest-France
GROUP | 2019.07.10 - 07.16
<Blossom>, Gallery Ilho, Seoul, South Korea
<Blossom>, 갤러리 일호, 서울, 한국

5th SOLO | 2017.09.12 - 09.30
<Epidermis world>, Gallery G-an, Paju, South Korea
<Epidermis world>, 갤러리 그안, 파주, 한국

4th SOLO | 2017.08.29 - 09.03
<Epidermis world>, Palais de Seoul Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
<Epidermis world>, 팔레 드 서울 갤러리, 서울, 한국

GROUP (ART FAIR) | 2017.06.28 - 07.02
<Plastic and Contemporary Art Show 17>, COEX, Seoul, South Korea
<조형아트서울 2017>, 코엑스, 서울, 한국

GROUP (ART FAIR) | 2016.11.25 - 12.04
<KINTEX Spoon Art Show>, Invitation to the booth, BELT Competition, Ilsan KINTEX, South Korea
<킨텍스 스푼 아트 쇼>, BELT Competition, 초대부스 개인전, 킨텍스, 일산, 한국

GROUP | 2016.06.11 - 07.03
<From I to you>, Janghang Culture Art Space, Seocheon, South Korea
<너에서 나까지>, 장항문화예술창작공간, 서천, 한국

GROUP (ART FAIR) | 2016.05.06 - 05.18
<AIAF>, Invitation to the booth, Ansan Arts Center, Ansan, South Korea
<안산국제아트페어>, 안산문화예술의전당, 안산, 한국

3rd SOLO | 2016.01.06 - 2017.01.13
<BELT competition 2016>, Artside Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
<BELT competition 2016>, 아트사이드 갤러리, 서울, 한국

1920X1080p video,TV 15m 2015 2016 <BELT competition 2016>selected Artist(Media Art), Artside gallery, Seoul, Korea

1920X1080p video,TV 15m 2015 2016 <BELT competition 2016>selected Artist(Media Art), Artside gallery, Seoul, Korea

1920X1080p video 9m41 2015 2016 <BELT competition 2016>selected Artist(Media Art), Artside gallery, Seoul, Korea

1920X1080p video 9m41 2015 2016 <BELT competition 2016>selected Artist(Media Art), Artside gallery, Seoul, Korea

1920X1080p video 9m41 2015 2016 <BELT competition 2016>selected Artist(Media Art), Artside gallery, Seoul, Korea

Epidermis apartment #3 720x480p video 2015 2016 <BELT competition 2016>selected Artist(Media Art), Artside gallery, Seoul, Korea